Anniversaries of Champlain's Voyages
Next year will mark the first of many 400th
anniversaries of some very historic events in the founding of New France. Samuel de Champlain, the "father of New
France," began his voyages of North American exploration in 1603 when he
traveled with Francois Pont-Grave up the St. Lawrence to the site of present
day Montreal. There had been several
French sponsored explorers who came before him including: Giovanni da
Verrazzano in 1524, Jacques Cartier from 1534-42 (wintering over in 1535-36,
and 1541-42), Jean-Francois de la Roque, sieur de Roberval in 1542-43, as well
as many fisherman and traders. It was,
however, Champlain who realized he must make friends with the natives to avoid
attack and publicize his voyages back home in order to gain support from the
French people. Some of the events
listed below deserve to have commemorative coins minted in their honor. I thus encourage those interested to lobby
their congressional representatives in this cause.
1603 Champlain's makes his first
voyage to Canada in March of this year. He travels with Pont-Grave up the St.
Lawrence River to the site of present day Montreal. Although Pont-Grave had made this voyage several times before it
is Champlain who is remembered best. He
travels back to France in September and publishes Des Sauvages, ou Voyage de
Samuel Champlain, de Brouage.
and Pont-Grave voyaged with de Monts fleet to Acadia where Champlain made the
first of his excellent harbor charts. He explored the Bay of Fundy, and founded
Saint Croix where buildings were erected using sawn timbers, doors, and windows
brought from France. He explored and
charted the coast of Maine naming Mt. Desert Island, and going as far west as
the Kennebec River before turning back, due to foul weather on September 23rd. A very hard winter was in store at Saint
Croix for Champlain and the would-be founders of New France as 35 of the 79
died of scurvy and other maladies. The
island they had chosen was cut off from the mainland by ice floes, keeping them
from their garden, fresh water and firewood.
1605 Late spring brought the return of Pont-Grave as the party was
ready to abandon Saint Croix and return to France. Instead Champlain turned west again and explored the coast and
some rivers from Maine to Cape Cod. At
the Chouacoit (Saco) River he found the first evidence of cultivation as the
Indians used horseshoe crabs to manure their corn. His chart of the river mouth and Saco Bay is one of his best. He entered Boston Bay and we can only
speculate what it would have been like if the French had establish themselves
there. Traveling further south he
charted Plymouth, and then after rounding Cape Cod, Nauset Harbor, the latter
being the spot where one of the Frenchmen was killed by the Indians. Soon after they returned to Saint Croix.
1605-1606 All the buildings, except one, were taken down and
re-erected at Port Royal, Nova Scotia where the party spent the next
winter. Again there was a difficult
winter and they lost 12 of the 45 from Saint Croix to scurvy, even though they
were much better supplied.
1606 Champlain and Pont-Grave tried several times to head
for Cape Cod and explore all the way to Florida but bad luck met them each
time. Eventually a late voyage was
made, but Poutrincourt, apparent owner of the pinnace, wanted to explore the
Maine coast first and the party only made it as far south as Chatham on Cape
Cod, where the Indians killed several more of the party.
1606-1607 Returning to Port Royal Champlain is greeted by lawyer Marc
Lescarbot, who had prepared masque, or symbolic play, the words of which were
printed after his return to Paris. Also
meeting them was the Parisian apothecary and cousin of Poutrincourt, Louis
Hebert, who was to become the first Quebec Habitant in 1618, two years before
the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth. The
first social club in North America, "L'Ordre de Bon Temps", was founded in
Acadia that winter. While most
translate it as the "Order of Good Cheer" it seems to me that this was the
first "Order of the Good Times" from which we get "Let the Good Times
Roll". Each gentleman in turn assumed
the stewardship of dinner and attempted to outdo the others in the game, wine
and song offered. While the winter was
mild four Frenchman and the black interpreter, thought to be the first black to
visit New France, died.
1607 Word arrives from France that Sieur de Mont's fur trading
monopoly, between the latitudes of Philadelphia and Newfoundland, has been
revoked. Champlain and Poutricourt make
their last Acadian voyage of exploration.
Champlain's remarkably accurate map of the coast of Nova Scotia and New
England is published and will become the standard for years to come. Champlain and most of the others returned to
France in September.
- July 8th - Champlain steps ashore and unfurls the fleur-de-lys over the site of
present day Quebec City. This is
considered by many to be the founding day for the city, the province and Canada
the nation. The previous October he had
convinced the Sieur de Monts to write off his Acadian losses and
reorganize. He and Champlain persuaded
the King to give them one more year's monopoly. They determined that their venture would be safer from attack by
competitors and closer to the pelts at Quebec.
A habitation was begun soon after landing with a cellar and storehouse
to hold the supplies. A near mutiny of
the workers was stifled, the ringleader tried and hung, and 4 others were
brought back to France in irons by Pont-Grave.
1608-1609 The first winter at Quebec is as severe as those at
Maine and Acadia with nearly half the French dying and the Montagnais Indians
losing many in their tribe.
traveled with a large war party of Huron, Algonkin, and Montagnais Indians up
the St. Lawrence to the Richeleau River where most of them quit the cause and
left for home. A smaller party
continues on and Champlain "discovers" and names Lake Champlain that we in
Vermont live by. The party continues
and finds a group of Mohawks that they engage in battle. Aided by the French arquebus, a type of
handgun, the Mohawks were routed and the battle won. Champlain returned to Quebec and left for France with Pont-Grave
in September. We end our list here
since the founding of Lake Champlain is an anniversary date that is as far off
in the future as we wish to delve into.
made many more trips between Canada and France before his death on 25 December
1635. In all he crossed the Atlantic 29
times, 23 of these voyages were between France and Canada.
many of the dates above deserve commemoration through coins, stamps or special
ceremonies I feel the discovery of Lake Champlain is the most meaningful for
those of us who live or have roots nearby.
I am therefore asking all of you to contact your US Congressional
representatives and request that coins commemorating the event be minted. The proceeds should go towards research on
preserving Lake Champlain as a great natural resource.
Those of us of "Northern Extraction" can proudly look forward to many anniversaries of Champlain's and our ancestors' accomplishments over the next few years.
The accounts of Champlain's voyages were extracted from
the book "Samuel de Champlain: Father of New France" by Samuel Eliot Morison,
Little Brown and Company, 1972, a copy of which is in the VT-FCGS library.
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