Articles Solicited for VT-FCGS Magazine

Our society’s new magazine will begin its semiannual schedule in late spring. The magazine’s subcommittee is looking for articles from our members. Submissions can be as short as 1-2 paragraphs or over 2,000 words.

The main focus of the magazine will be Vermont and genealogy, research techniques & tips, as well as articles on the state’s various ethnic groups from French-Canadian and English to Native American, Italian, Irish and more.

Ann Whitman, the editor, requests that you send queries, questions, and submissions to Deadline for the spring issue is April 15th.

Content Categories

  • Tidbits (short memories, reflections, observations of 50-250 words), goal is to sprinkle these throughout the magazine, maybe in text boxes.
  • Tips and Tricks (how to do things, where to look, effective techniques) these can be added to pertinent articles as text boxes or sidebars OR we can treat these as stand-alone articles, depending on length and topic.
  • Around the Library. I envision a description and research value of specific resources in each issue, such as city directories, our internet subscriptions, LDS library link, the church repertoires, and more. Maybe choose a section or topic, i.e. Native Americans or Vermont Civil War veterans, and discuss our resources.
  • Our Ancestor Stories (accounts of ancestors’ lives) these stories come from our own research and discoveries along the way. Adding historical, familial, and geographical context builds the story.
  • Time & Place stories (historical events that occurred in VT and surrounding areas that give context to our ancestors’ lives) examples: ferries that connected the Islands to NY, commerce and travel routes between Quebec, VT and further south, gypsy settlements in Richmond, traveling circuses and shows, building the railroads and canals, quarries and immigrant stone workers, cemetery profiles/highlights
  • Profiles of historical societies and resources, related groups and similar resources in VT and surrounding areas. Ideas include groups located in various VT towns, VT Archives in Middlesex, BAnQ National library and archives in Montreal.
  • Pin Programs (write ups of how a member proved a lineage), we could feature more than one per issue, or include other lineage societies/groups. Could be an on-going Column.
  • Photo Booth (photos of historically significant places and people with descriptions to give context for fashion, transportation, major events, etc. in a specific time period.) Similar to Bob Blanchard’s Facebook group Burlington Area History.
  • Columns (DNA news, Book Review, traditional Family Recipes, specific heritage groups such as F-C, Italian, Irish)
  • Queries from readers short entries and/or photos from members looking for “lost” ancestors, answers could be linked online somehow so that readers can respond. Note that NH society limits this to 3 queries per person per issue.
  • Calendar of Events: VT, NH, eastern NY society events and those of general F-C interest, such as Quebecoise music, festivals, lectures. Also include standing meetings of various groups (our SIG zooms, Barre group, etc.)