Should I test?
Which type of DNA test should I use?
Which testing company is best for me?
To gain the benefits from new tools and technologies we sometimes need to develop new skills. Nothing better illustrates this challenge than applying the promise of DNA testing to help solve some of our families’ mysteries.
We need at least a basic understanding of science behind how DNA test results can help identify our ancestors. Next, we have to decide which of the three types of tests will be most effective given our situation. Some testing companies have a financial interest in marketing the most complicated and ultimately, expensive option – autosomal tests – spending well over $100 million per year on TV and print advertising. We can help you identify which test is your best option and explain why.

And then there is the question of which company to use? That answer depends on over a dozen factors specific to you and your own family. What question are you trying to answer? Where did your ancestors emigrate from? What analysis and software skills do you have? How much time can you spend on genealogy research? Do you have detailed family tree you can share with DNA matches?
Our DNA experts can help you understand the technology and answer those questions. They’ll meet with you remotely over Zoom’s secure network, work to understand your questions, as well as your goals, and provide you with information and answers. They’ll work to ensure that you can confidently pick a test (or tests), choose a company and develop a plan with the best chance of helping you solve your family’s brickwall. And, after you’ve received your test results, they can help you understand what they mean and demonstrate how to find and use each company’s tools.

DNA Consultations – Before & After Taking That Test
Free 15 Minute Tune-Up” For Free Contact Us to schedule.
Before You Decide To Test – 60 minute Session
60 minute One-on-One Sessions w/ a coach – $ for members/$ for Non-members
Once You Obtain DNA Results – 60 minute Session
60 minute One-on-One Sessions w/ a coach – $ for members/$ for Non-members