Meet Our Team


Lynn Johnson


Lynn taught elementary school in Swanton for 18 years. She then worked for 11 years at the
Book Rack and Children’s Pages. She enjoys finding the stories of her French-Canadian
and Irish ancestors, volunteering and teaching classes at VGL.

Dwight Fowler

Vice President

Dwight has worked on genealogy and family history since 1982 when he discovered the handwritten notes of his father who logged all the Fowlers in CT by walking the cemeteries. A volunteer since he joined in 2021, Dwight has been part of the VGL Research team, teaches courses, and managed and modernized the VGL computing infrastructure that exists today. 

Cyndy Coy


Retired after 34 years teaching and 10 years with the Census Bureau, Cyndy’s family tree is Swedish, Norwegian, colonial UK and a little dab of Portuguese. Happily researching them since 1976, Cyndy’s proud of getting published in the NEHGR in 2021. Her friends call her a serial organizer and she’s always done her own taxes.


Janet Zell

Recording Secretary

Retired after 40 years in banking, Janet enjoys volunteering at VGL and researching her family’s roots in colonial U.S., England, Ireland, Germany, and Czechoslovakia.


Suzanne Blanchard


Suzanne is a former attorney and editor, and long-time member and volunteer. Her family is French Canadian, Dutch, English, Rusyn, and Silesian.


Marcie Crocker


Marcie is a long-time member and past president of VT-FCGS, and a frequent volunteer at the Library. She advises visitors on FindMyPast, FamilySearch and other databases. Her family is English, Irish, French-Canadian and German.


Jan Hughes


Jan is a retired Vermont educator and school librarian who volunteers at the Library.


Sarah Johnson


Sarah is an instructional designer and a longtime member. She is the VGL Facebook Editor and contributes to the VGL Marketing and Education Committees.

Ed McGuire

Past President

Ed is a frequent speaker on genealogy research methods, DNA testing and Irish family history. His ancestry is Irish, English, German and French-Canadian and most of his North American roots are in CT, RI, NY, and the Three Rivers area of Quebec. And, yes, he is a “proud flat-lander” from Connecticut.