Are you a Filles du Roi?
This year marks the 350th Anniversary of the first arrival of the Filles du Roi! Many of us are descended from not one but many, so it’s time to dig into your lineage and celebrate our heritage! The Filles du … Continued
This year marks the 350th Anniversary of the first arrival of the Filles du Roi! Many of us are descended from not one but many, so it’s time to dig into your lineage and celebrate our heritage! The Filles du … Continued
We’ve all been there. The moment when when you wish you knew more about where you came from, the stories about great-grandma’s childhood and why there are no pictures of your mother’s father in the house. In that moment, … Continued
“Who are we?” It’s the question we all ask when we begin genealogy work – who am I? How did I get here? Who are the people in my line that made it possible for me to live today? Our … Continued
As our work is all about family, The Vermont Genealogy Library will be closed on the following dates so our dedicated volunteers can spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with friends and family: November 30, 2013 December 24, 2014 through January 4, … Continued