Showing all 3 results
Finding Online Vital Records in Ireland
With the loss of all 19th century censuses in Ireland, parish registers and civil registrations became the indispensable collections for Irish family research. In this talk, you will learn where, and when, churches started to record vital events and how … Continued
Problems in Irish Research: Using Irish Records
This is the second of two talks discussing how to find your Irish ancestors. In this presentation Ed McGuire focuses on the most useful Irish collections for identifying your specific ancestors and their parish or townland. He will explain the various terms used to describe Irish land jurisdictions and identify the major recordsets - as well as how to use them.
Problems Irish Research Crossing the Pond
Researching Irish family histories can be very challenging - common family names, massive records loss and changing descriptions for the same jurisdiction, to name a few. But among the biggest problems are (1) getting across the pond to a location in Ireland and (2) locating enough Irish records to identify your specific Bridget Murphy or Patrick Duffy