Showing all 8 results
Corraling Cousins with Airtable Databases
Many amateur genealogists and most professionals track their progress with research logs. These indispensable tools organize all those names, places, events, records and citations in one central place, often in a spreadsheet. But even spreadsheets can run out of power … Continued
Find Our Place: Mapping for Genealogy
Finding Online Vital Records in Ireland
With the loss of all 19th century censuses in Ireland, parish registers and civil registrations became the indispensable collections for Irish family research. In this talk, you will learn where, and when, churches started to record vital events and how … Continued
Italian Genealogy Research
Researching your Italian ancestors takes one on an exciting journey that combines history, geography, economics, and genealogy. Chris and Mark will discuss how these factors and others played out in their own family research. They’ll discuss place names, surnames, language … Continued
Next Steps With Your Family History
Searching for My Polish Roots
Among the challenges inherent in Polish genealogical research are place names, surnames, language and fluid national boundaries. In this talk Louis Welna will discuss how he dealt with these issues during decades of Polish family research. He’ll share tips and … Continued
The Mayflower Society: Its Past and Purpose
In this class Scott Andrew Bartley will explain the founding of the Mayflower Society, its purpose in preserving the memory of the Pilgrims, who came, and who qualifies to continue the legacy. We will explore the names of the passengers … Continued
Vermont Research in the 18th Century
“Vermont Research in the 18th Century” presents a brief pre-settlement history of New England. It then uses maps to illustrate the issues around border disputes in western New England. From that outline, Drew Bartley will discuss the records that survive, … Continued