Showing all 3 results
Ancestry DNA: Best Practices & Recent Changes
AncestryDNA is the most popular DNA testing company and over 22 million people have purchased their test kits or received them as gifts. In this presentation Ed McGuire will explain all of the major features provided to customers – from … Continued
Hidden Treasures at Family Search
There are abundant genealogical collections at any of the major online databases. But many of the most experienced researchers begin and end their genealogical projects at FamilySearch. Why? In this talk, Ed McGuire will explain the rationale for their devotion. … Continued
Solving More Mysteries with Documents & DNA
Today's genealogists and family historians have the greatest array of tools to discover new ancestors and collateral relatives. DNA matches often verify the paper trail but at other times redefine family relationships and leave us with some questions that cannot be answered.