Corraling Cousins with Airtable Databases



Many amateur genealogists and most professionals track their progress with research logs. These indispensable tools organize all those names, places, events, records and citations in one central place, often in a spreadsheet. But even spreadsheets can run out of power when the load gets too heavy. The huge datasets needed to solve brickwalls often require tracking the records of dozens of individuals or employing the complex tools of genetic genealogy. Enter “Airtable.” This free, online tool combines the relative simplicity of spreadsheets with the power of relational databases. In this talk, Ed McGuire will show how you can identify all of the records with any mention of an obscure cousin with a keystroke. He’ll demonstrate how to pull a list of ancestors who lived in a given village from mountains of data. And Ed will show how Airtable can help you tackle the complexity of your DNA matches to all those new genetic cousins. If you’ve ever used a spreadsheet but now need more power, then it’s time to learn about Airtable.