How do I locate records? Where should I store my results? How do I organize everything?

When we first start down the path of searching for our ancestors we immediately find ourselves in unfamiliar territory. What we know about family history was often gleaned from a TV show, a short magazine article or from word-of-mouth.
Many of us jump online and immediately find lots of individuals with similar names.
Doing the best we can, we choose the most likely candidates and begin gathering details about them. The details multiply and soon we’re inundated with hundreds of results for dozens of potential ancestors.
Right there at the START is the best time to STOP – and get some seasoned advice.

Our volunteers have been in your shoes. They’ve dealt with the confusion, frustration and disappointment, so common among budding family historians. They’ve been overwhelmed by the flood of information and the disorganization that results. And they have wasted literally years of effort, because no one got them off on the right foot. They want to ensure that you avoid that fate.

At the Vermont Genealogy Library we specialize in helping new genealogists learn how to search and then, where to search for the fastest results at the least cost. Our volunteer staff will sit down with you—in-person or remotely—and listen to your story. They will help you develop and adopt simple proven research techniques, identify the best print and online sources, and show you a few forms that are critical for keeping all those records organized.

Options for Every Level of Need
Free 15 Minute “Tune-Up” Contact Us to schedule
Session for Basic Skills
60 minute One-on-One Sessions w/ a coach – $ for members /$ for Non-members
Sessions for Advance Skills
60 minute One-on-One Sessions w/ a coach – $ for members/ $ for Non-members